Saturday, January 7, 2017

North Lake Avenue at Santa Fe Railway Crossing 1928 (Today 210 Freeway Bridge)

2017 will be a challenging year. I hope the City of Pasadena will become even a nicer place to live in the future. I certainly will try to help in my small way. The neighborhood challenges we face are many. Just for instance the snail's pace renovation of the Washington Theatre and the slow renovation of the retail bays of the Hotel Constance project near Colorado and North Lake.....

Here is a great photo I've not seen previously:

Looking north on Lake Avenue somewhere near Corson and Maple Streets.....Lake Avenue Congregational Church somewhere up the way on the left side.....

More photos are being digitized every day and I'm looking forward to seeing in to the past to learn what previous generations saw and had to contend with......


  1. It's great to see a post from you. You always find the most interesting historical information about Pasadena.

  2. Wonderful to see you posting again... of course the "wig wags" are the Santa Fe Crossing Lake... now the site of the 210 freeway.

  3. Speaking of the "coffee gallery", does anyone know what the building was originally built and used for?
